Friday, April 25, 2014

Computer GK Question Paper 30

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 30:  Computer GK Sample Question Papers as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper:
* UNIVA is the name of the computer which was first used for programming and playing of music
* The IC chips for computer is prepared from silicon
* Database management systems are comprised of tables that made up of rows called records and columns called fields
* Nano is equal to 10(to the power of -9
* In computers RAM is a non-volatile memory
* Disk and tape drives are commonly used as hard copy
* When computer is connected to LAN and data is sent across it for storage/processing is online processing
* The primary storage unit is also referred to as internal storage
* Oracle is not an operating system
* Data are raw facts and figures
* Holding of all data and instructions to be processed is one of the functions of storage unit
* To select the entire row in Excel, click mouse at row heading
* Database is known as structured data
* Normal view and outline view notes pane appears in power point
* The user protection feature of an operating system is required in multi-user system only
* In word, Ctrl + Del combination of keys press to delete an entire word
* In MS-Word double clicking a word selects the word
* Word document can be navigated in web layout view
* In Excel, addressing mode(s
* Note page views can you use to show just the slide and its contents
* Hardware that adds two numbers is arithmetic logical unit
* The computer as a machine and all other physical equipment associated with it are termed as hardware
* Plotters are very useful in applications such as computer aided design
* Corel DRAW is a graphic package
* The print to file option creates .prn file
* The enhanced keyboard contains 101 keys
* Data processing cycle consists of input cycle, output cycle and processing cycle
* Page Setup is not an option of Edit menu
* Radar chart is used to show a correlation between two data series
* A computerized business information system includes hardware, software and data facts
* Purchase order file is a transaction file
* A typical computerized business application system will have both master and transaction file
* Problem identification is taken first in designing a program
* The purpose of the EXIT command is to get out of a condition loop
* Employees details is a master file for the pay roll system
* A slow memory can be connected to 8085 by using READY
* A processor needs software interrupt to obtain system services which need execution of privileged instructions

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Computer GK Question Paper 29

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 29:  Computer GK Sample Question Papers as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper:
* Less expensive than leased line networks is not a characteristic of virtual private networks (PVN
* Program policy framework provides strategic direction to an organization
* Cross bar switches have common control
* Row-level security is the most basic part for database security
* Voice recognition software can not be used for converting text into voice
* The user account can only be created by the network administrator
* IBM-700 belongs to second generation
* Allocating adequate bandwidth would help her in speeding up the data transfer over net
* BCD means binary coded decimal
* Extended system configuration data is same as BIOS
* Digitizer is an input device
* Caramel is the latest platform of Intel Centrio microprocessor
* RISC is known as storage device
* NORTON is an anti-virus
* The system file of an operating system is COM
* ATMs of bank have real currency
* A program that converts high level language to machine language is assembler
* ‘.txt’ files can be made in notepad, MS word, DOS editor
* .Zip is a compressed file
* MP3 technology compresses a sound sequence to one-twelfth of its original size
* At a time only one operating system can be at work on a computer
* If multiple programs can be executed at the same time, it is distributed operating system
* If the operating system provides quick attention, it is real time operating system
* Distributed operating system uses network facility
* FORMAT command in MS-DOS is used for recreating disk information
* COPY command in MS-DOS is used to copy one or more files in disk drive to another, copy from one directory to another directory
* REN command is Internal command
* Tom Burners-Li propounded the concept of “World wide web”
* The memory address sent from the CPU to the main memory over a set of wires is called address bus
* MODEM is an electronic device required the computer to connect to the INTERNET
* A source program is a program which is to be Tran scripted in machine language
* Virus in computer relates to program
* Floppy is not a storage medium in the computer related hardware
* DOS floppy disk does not have a boot record
* The CPU in a computer comprises of Store, arithmetic and logical unit and control unit
* In computer parlor a mouse is a screen saver

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Computer GK Question Paper 28

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 28:  Computer GK Sample Question Papers as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper:
* Telephone broadcast is the example of simplex transmission
* Optical, Mechanical are the kinds of mouse
* Control panel is used for increasing and decreasing the speed of the cursor of mouse
* The capacity of modern main frame digital computer is 10(to the power of -12
* With the help of my computer we can know about the usage and availability of space in computer
* We use both MS-Word and page maker for making resume
* Earliest computers that would work with FORTRAN was second generation
* Back Ups in database are maintained for to restore the lost data
* IDEA is a encryption technique
* DBRM takes care of storage of data in a database
* The job of DBMS is to decrease redundancy
* Digital signatures use encryption for authenticating
* OS acts as intermediary agency between user and hardware
* First generation computers could do batch processing
* The analytic engine was created by Charles Babbage
* Voicemail of GSM service provider has the personal security code for its subscribers
* Senior manager decided about the division of work with respect to IT security
* Encrypting file system of window XP professional operating system protects the data of a user, even if the computer is shared between users
* The .mpeg is the format of a movie file
* Controlling is NOT required for high level language program before it is executed
* A plotter is output device
* 80286 is a hardware part of microprocessor
* Top-bottom approach can not be the measure of network traffic
* A switching mode power supply is used for converting raw input power to stabilize DC power
* Spooler can manage the whole printing process
* Validity routines control procedures can be used to ensure completeness of data

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Computer GK Question Paper 27

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 27:  Computer GK Sample Question Papers as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper:
* The inventor of computer is Charles Babbage
* The IBM made the first electronic computer in 1953
* The silicon based transistor started to made by Gordon Tin in 1954
* IBM is a company
* The personal computer invented in 1981
* 1 Kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes
* LCD means liquid crystal display
* UPS converts DC voltage into AC voltage
* The word ZIP means Zicxac Inline Pin
* With the help of Pal switch we can increase or decrease the speed of computer’s processing
* The full form of MICR is magnetic ink character reader
* Swift networks are used between banks
* Panda is a virus
* Boot sector is hardware
* Debug searches the fault of any software
* OCR means optical character recognition
* The total printout of a program is called listing
* With the help of ZIP we can decrease the size of any programs
* We can format the hard disk with the help of Booting
* CANNED is called as readymade software
* The process of creating third file by mixing two files is called as mail merging
* The figures and lines etc. made by computer is called as graphics
* Each line represents 65 letters in a WordStar
* Nokia- 7500 is not the example of Micro Processor
* The first name of the digital computer is Unvake
* The modern computer was invented in 1946
* The full form of DOS is disk operating system
* The expanded form of FORTRAN is formula translation
* The great revolution came in computer sector in 1960
* Magnetic tape is called as Input device of computer
* The first mechanical computer of Charles Babbage is known as punch card machine
* The IC chip used in computer is generally made in silicon

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

SBI Computer GK Questions 2013

SBI Computer GK Questions Paper 2013: State Bank of India (SBI) conducted Online Examination for recruitment to the post of 1500 Probationary Officers (PO). The examination was conducted on 28 April 2013 in two shifts. The questions paper comprised of 200 objective type questions from 4 sections including
1. Reasoning Aptitude
2. Data Interpretation & Analysis
3. English Language
4. General Awareness, Marketing & Computer Knowledge
The fully solved question paper will help the students to prepare for upcoming banking po exams.

Download SBI PO Exam Paper 2013 FULL Solved:

Download SBI PO GK Question Paper 2013:

GK/Computer/Marketing Questions Asked in Afternoon Session:

- Playing to win book written by
- Saving account rates decided by
- IT company that recently spread in other countries
- The amount a bank have to keep at RBI is
- Joystick is used in
- Work after sale is
- Memory, control unit n …………… An integral part of cpu
- Person awarded in Bangladesh Md. Yunus due to
- The rate below that no bank can provide loan is called
- Central govt provided SBI
- Bombay stock exchange is now known as
- Small and medium savings concerned with
- One of the condition of opening branch for licensing how much in rural areas?
- The currency of European union is
- Word related with cricket
- A time period for which not interest is charged called
- In term CPU, C means for
- Which of the following is not related to memory?
- USP Means
- DSA work’s quality depends on
- Target market of debit card is
- The character of a good sales person is
- Mulya yojit seva means
- Data backup helps in

- Captain of Australia team played in march

Friday, April 4, 2014

Computer GK Question Paper 26

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 26:  Computer GK Sample Question Papers as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper:
* A goal of normalization is to minimize the number of redundancy
* Programs from the same developer, sold, bundled, together, that are provide better integration and share common features, tool box and menus are known as software suits
* A data ware house is one that organizes important subject areas
* URL term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the entire site
* A proxy server is used to process client request for web pages
* When data changes in multiple list and list are not updated, this causes data inconsistency
* Granting an outside organization access to internet web pages is often implemented using a extranet
* The code that relational database management systems use to perform their database task is refer to as SQL
* URL stands for Uniform resource locator
* A data base management system is a software system used to create, maintain and provide controlled access to a database
* The two broad categories of software are system and application
* The metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is known as system unit
* Data integrity means that the data contained in the database is accurate and reliable
* A local area network is a private corporate network used exclusively by company categories
* Eight bits equal to one byte
* A byte can hold one character data
* A characteristic of a file server is manages files operations and is shared on a network
* The development process of computer started in 1617
* The role of Blaze Pascal in the development of computer is addition and subtraction of numbers

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