Sunday, August 31, 2014

Computer Samanya Gyan in Hindi

Computer Samanya Gyan / GK in Hindi: कंप्यूटर सामान्य ज्ञान हर प्रतियोगी परीक्षा का एक अनिवार्य भाग है । अतः हम कुछ  प्रश्न पिपणन / कंप्यूटर ज्ञान के आपके लिए लाएं है | Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 32 as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. For "Computer GK" you can Download "Computer GK" Mobile App:
Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.
Computer Samanya Gyan / GK in Hindi:
Q.1 www के आविष्कारक कौन है ?
A. Lee S Feyong
B. Bill Gates
C. Watson
D. Tim Berner Lee
Ans: D

Q.2 FTP का पूरा नाम क्या है ?
A. File Transfer Protocol
B. Folder Transfer Protocol
C. Folder Transaction Protocol
D. File Transaction protocol
Ans: A

Q.3 "कंप्यूटर के जनक" एवं पिता किसे कहा जाता है ?
A. बिल गेट्स
B. चार्ल्स बाबेज
C. लैरी पेज
D. लेडी लारा
Ans: B

Friday, August 15, 2014

India's first computer installed ?

India's first computer installed: First Computer in india is installed at Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata in 1995, it was the first in Asia, outside Japan. DDM lights up a Wills Navy Cut cigarette and adds that ISI had the distinction of developing the first Indian analog computer as well. Nehru came to meet the computer that solved a 10 x 10 single precision matrix in 90 minutes
Indian Statistical Institute is the first institute:
-  in Asia to acquire a digital computer.
- in India to participate in successfully building an indigenous digital computer. 

About ISI Kolkata: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), a unique P. C. Mahalanobish institution devoted to the research, teaching and application of statistics, natural sciences and social sciences. Founded by Professor P.C. Mahalanobis in Kolkata on 17th December, 1931, the institute gained the status of an Institution of National Importance by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1959. The Headquarters of ISI is located in the northern fringe of the metropolis of Kolkata.

Quiz. Where was India's first computer installed at ?
A. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
B. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
C. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
D. Indian Iron & Steel Co.Ltd., Burnpur
Ans: A

Monday, August 4, 2014

SBI Computer Questions 2014 for Assistants in Clerical Cadre

SBI Computer Exam Paper / Questions 2014 for Assistants in Clerical Cadre Examination held in July 2014: State Bank of Indai (SBI) held examination for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 in July 2014 under various session of Morning, Afternoon at various centers of India. The SBI SBI Assistants / Clerk Exam Paper 2014 is of Moderate level as per feedback received from various candidates. Here is Questions from General Knowledge (GK), Aptitude, English and Computer asked in various paper for preparation in future examination of SBI.

Check SBI Assistants / Clerk Exam GK Question Paper 2014 (55+ Questions) :

SBI Computer Paper 2014 for Assistants in Clerical Cadre:
1. What is full Form of CD:
Ans: Compact Disc
2. Full form of CBS:
Ans: Core Banking Solution 
3. PC stands for: 
Ans: Personal Computer
4. Full form of ASCII ?
Ans: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
5. Which of the following is related to Email ?
Ans: Attachment