IBPS CWE Specialist Officer (IT) Exam Question Paper 2012:
Q.1 A floating point is said to be normalized if the most significant digit of the mantissa is-
A. Zero
B. Non-zero
C. Negative
D. Positive
Answer: B
Q.2 Which of the following application is suitable for FIFO Queue?
A. An inventory of parts is to be processed by part number
B. A dictionary of words used by a spelling checker id to be created
C. A program to solve a maze is to back track to an earlier position when a dead end positions is reached
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Q.3 The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence is-
A. Artificial science
B. Cognitive science
C. Psychology
D. Sociology
Answer: B
Q.4 Which data structure is needed to convert infix notation to postfix notation?
A. Branch
B. Queue
C. Tree
D. Stack
Answer: D
Q.5 Data are followed to be transmitted in only one direction in a-
A. Simplex channel
B. Duplex channel
C. Half-Duplex channel
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Q.6 Which of the following statement is not true regarding graph?
A. A graph consists of set of nodes and a set of arcs
B. A graph is a tree
C. A tree is a graph
D. None of the above
Answer: C
A. Zero
B. Non-zero
C. Negative
D. Positive
Answer: B
Q.2 Which of the following application is suitable for FIFO Queue?
A. An inventory of parts is to be processed by part number
B. A dictionary of words used by a spelling checker id to be created
C. A program to solve a maze is to back track to an earlier position when a dead end positions is reached
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Q.3 The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence is-
A. Artificial science
B. Cognitive science
C. Psychology
D. Sociology
Answer: B
Q.4 Which data structure is needed to convert infix notation to postfix notation?
A. Branch
B. Queue
C. Tree
D. Stack
Answer: D
Q.5 Data are followed to be transmitted in only one direction in a-
A. Simplex channel
B. Duplex channel
C. Half-Duplex channel
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Q.6 Which of the following statement is not true regarding graph?
A. A graph consists of set of nodes and a set of arcs
B. A graph is a tree
C. A tree is a graph
D. None of the above
Answer: C