Saturday, February 25, 2017

Juggernaut - Indian Super Computer

Juggernaut - New Super Computer from India:
  • India will likely unveil its most powerful supercomputer juggernaut in June 2017
  • Juggernaut means a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force.
  • If its processors operate at the full capacity of 10 petaflops (1 followed by 15 zeroes of floating point operations per second), a clock speed a million times faster than the fastest consumer laptops, it could earn a place among the world’s top 10 fastest supercomputers.
  • EKA: Though India has built or hosted supercomputers since the 1990s, it held a ‘top 10’ spot only once, in 2007, with the EKA built by the Computational Research Laboratories, which is part of the Tata group.
  • India has built or hosted supercomputers since the 1990s, it held a ‘top 10’ spot only once, in 2007, thanks to the EKA built by the Computational Research Laboratories, which is part of the Tata group. 
  • This position was lost, though several ultra-fast machines exist in Indian academic institutions: they feature in the 100s or 200s in global rankings.
  • The as-yet-unnamed machine will be jointly hosted at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune and the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting at Noida in Uttar Pradesh.
  • Government has sanctioned ₹400 crore for the project this year. Most of the machine’s computing power will help in monsoon forecasting, using a dynamical model.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Computer GK Quiz 76

Computer Awareness, GK Quiz No 76

Computer GK Android App with following feature:

  • Computer GK in Hindi & English
  • Computer GK Complete Notes
  • Old Computer Awareness, GK Questions from Exam Papers.
  • Computer Test Papers.
  • Download Computer GK App:
  • Follow us on FACEBOOK or GOOGLE+ 
Computer Awareness, GK Quiz No 76
What is the use of Firewall in a computer?
A. For authentication
B. For data transmission
C. For monitoring
D. For security
Answer: D

Maximize, Minimize and Close button are called:
A. Run Button
B. Home Button
C. Control Button
D. Start Button
Answer: C

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) can do:
A. Mathematical Operation
B. Logical Operation
C. Both of These
D. None of these
Answer: C

The computer abbreviation “OS” stands for:
A. Open Software
B. Optical Sensor
C. Order of Significance
D. Operating System
Answer: D

Facebook was launched in:
A. 2008
B. 2005
C.  2007
D.  2004
Answer: D

The transfer of data from one place to another is called:
A. Data Processing
B. Data Communication
C. Data Encryption
D. Data Distribution
Answer: B

Shortcut Key to center a Paragraph is:
A. Shift+ C
B. Ctrl + L
C. Ctrl + J
D. Ctrl + E
Answer: D

Analog signal is measured in:
A. Pulses
B. Hertz
C. Volts
Answer: C

A network that covers small geographic area or single or group of buildings
 is called:
A. Gateway
C. Bridge
Answer: D

When you delete an object, Windows XP sends it to:
A. Recycle Bin
B. My Computer
C. Trash Folder
D. My Documents
Answer: A

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Computer GK Quiz 75

Computer Awareness, GK Quiz No 75

Computer GK Android App with following feature:

  • Computer GK in Hindi & English
  • Computer GK Complete Notes
  • Old Computer Awareness, GK Questions from Exam Papers.
  • Computer Test Papers.
  • Download Computer GK App:
  • Follow us on FACEBOOK or GOOGLE+ 
Computer Awareness, GK Quiz No 75
ATM stands for:
A. Auto Transfer Model
B. Automatic Transistor Model
C. Automated Teller Machine
D. Automated Teller Mark
Answer: C

The shortcut key for renaming file and folder is:
A. F4
B. F2
C. F3
D. F6
Answer: B

Windows 7 is preceded by which version of the windows?
A. Windows 2000
B. Windows XP
C. Windows Crystal
D. Windows Vista
Answer: D

To subscript a text, shortcut key is:
A. Ctrl + >
B. Ctrl + <
C. Ctrl + *
D. Ctrl + =
Answer: D

Shortcut for Save as command is:
A. F12
B. F10
C. F4
D. F7
Answer: A

The file extension PNG stands for:
A. Portable Natural Graphic File
B. Printable Network Graphic File
C. Portable Network Graphic File
D. Pointable Network Graphic File
Answer: C

Which is a programming language among these?
Answer: A

SOAP stands for:
A. Simple Object Access Procedure
B. Small Object Access Procedure
C. Simple Object Access Protocol
D. Small Object Access Protocol
Answer: C

Twitter is a __________ website.
A. Portal
B. Search engine
C. Email
D. Social networking
Answer: D

Red wavy lines under text indicates:
A. Character Mistakes
B. Grammatical Mistakes
C. Spelling Mistakes
D. None of These
Answer: C